(LL28-2023) How and when can a consent order be granted?


Pre-reading material

Video presentation

Training manual

Online assessment


Reading (15 minutes)

Video (45 minutes)

Online assessment (15 minutes)


Online (15 minutes)

Multiple choice

Written assessment


On demand

24/7 availability

Email support

Virtual training

• Explanation of what a consent order is
• Different forms to be used for different consent orders explained (J214 or J168)
• Signing of the consent order by a respondent that lives in another province – how is it managed?
• Duties of the maintenance officer defined when it comes to consent orders
• Discussion of the relevant legislation (sections 17 and 16(1)(a)(1))
• Example of a supplementary affidavit by the respondent that wishes to sign a consent order without the need to appear in court to have the maintenance order granted
• Practical advice and tips for reaching an agreement by consent
This section contains pre-reading material that you should read through at your leisure before the webinar.  The webinar handout you would find on the next tab – we suggest that you download and print the handout / webinar material before the start of the webinar as we will be referring to sections in the handout during the course of the webinar.



This section contains the slideshow (if used), webinar handout and important resources that we will be referring back to during the webinar. Please download and print these before the start of the webinar or have them available electronically to enhance your learning experience.


• Maintenance Act, Act 99 of 1989

• Regulations Maintenance Act 99/1989

Handout:  How and when can a consent order be granted?

Slides:  How and when can a consent order be granted?

Affidavit by respondent (Section 17)

NPA Notes on J214 consent order or a J168 court order where respondent is absent

J214 consent order


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Introductory training video

Maintenance officer specific training video

If your have any enquiries / questions relating to this module, please send us an email using this form and one of our panel of attorneys will respond within 24 hours.