• Maintenance Act, Act 99 of 1989
• Regulations Maintenance Act 99/1989
• Handout: How to complain about and escalate your maintenance matter?
• Slides: How to complain about and escalate your maintenance matter?
• Example of complaint against magistrate – rude
• Example of complaint against magistrate – undue delay in verdict / ruling
• Example of complaint letter to service delivery
*** Note: affidavits and examples supplied by Deon Ruiters and made available for distribution by the public during the NPA Dialogue on Maintenance workshop in Cape Town. Lunch and Learn advises viewers to use these documents as mere examples and to customise the documents to suit your individual matter ***
Additional resources:
• DOJ Code 26/20145 (Codified Instructions Code Family Court Maintenance)
• Service Delivery Charter DOJ
Affidavits referred to, or templates provided, are mere examples that could be used and should be customized to your specific matter. These documents, such as affidavits cannot be considered “outdated.” The additional speakers on some of these webinars were invited guest speakers who have participated out of their free will and have no affiliation or association with Lunch and Learn.
The details contained in these webinars are for educational and informative purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. You are strongly advised to consult with an experienced legal practitioner for advice on your specific maintenance matter.