How to complete the J101 maintenance application form

• Where do I get the form that I need to complete?
• Will someone at the Maintenance Court be able to explain the form to me or assist me in completing the form?
• What if I do not know the details of the other parent?
• How do I complete the section that alleges that the other person is legally liable to maintain the child?
• What if the children live with a caregiver (such as a grandparent) and I want to claim maintenance?
• I do not have a court order and the father seldom contributes to the children – what is the legal position.
• I am asked how much I want for maintenance – how do I calculate the amounts?
• Can I claim winter / summer / Christmas clothes as part of the maintenance order?
• How to complete the section that deals with your assets.
• Detailed explanation of what to fill in as your income.
• How the expenses should be worked out and calculated.
• How do I split the expenses between myself and the children? (Short discussion as this will be dealt with in a future webinar)
This section contains pre-reading material that you should read through at your leisure before the webinar.  The webinar handout you would find on the next tab – we suggest that you download and print the handout / webinar material before the start of the webinar as we will be referring to sections in the handout during the course of the webinar.


Blank J101 application form  
Bannatyne v Bannatyne and Another (CCT18/02) [2002] ZACC 31; 2003 (2) BCLR 111 ; 2003 (2) SA 363 (CC) (20 December 2002) 

Lunch and Learn is a social responsibility project overseen by Oppermans Inc, a family law practice with more than 24 years of experience. The weekly webinars are provided free of charge, aimed at creating awareness on child maintenance. This webinar was pre-recorded at the end of 2023, and the information contained therein was (and still is) correct at the time of recording—the Maintenance Act or Rules has not been amended or changed since. Discussions of relevant case law dealing with specific maintenance issues are found under the “free resource library” tab on the home page.

Affidavits referred to, or templates provided, are mere examples that could be used and should be customized to your specific matter. These documents, such as affidavits cannot be considered “outdated.” The additional speakers on some of these webinars were invited guest speakers who have participated out of their free will and have no affiliation or association with Lunch and Learn.

The details contained in these webinars are for educational and informative purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. You are strongly advised to consult with an experienced legal practitioner for advice on your specific maintenance matter.

How to complete the J101 maintenance application form

If you have any enquiries / questions relating to this module or wish to schedule an appointment for a in person consultation with a specialist maintenance attorney at the offices of Oppermans Inc in Gordons Bay or a virtual consultation, please send us an email using this form and one of our panel of attorneys will respond as soon as possible.