(LL16-2023) How do I apply for a variation of the maintenance order

The live streaming will go live at 12:45 sharp.  You can watch it below (via our YouTube channel), or our Facebook group or click on the tab in the top menu of this page.  For the stream to start – click on the block below and our YouTube live feed will start. 

Technical gremlins sometime happen with live streaming feeds – if you have difficulty accessing the stream below, you can watch the live stream by clicking the main feed herehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEmAavuQkE8

This section contains pre-reading material that you should read through at your leisure before the webinar. Because of our limited 60 minute lunch hour time limit, we include some pre-reading material that contains background information on the topic(s) to be discussed. The webinar handout you would find on the next tab – we suggest that you download and print the handout / webinar material before the start of the webinar as we will be referring to sections in the handout during the course of the webinar.


Introduction and Logistics letter 
Year program of all Lunch and Learn webinars
Pre-reading material: How do I apply for a variation of the maintenance order (increase or decrease)

This section contains the slideshow (if used), webinar handout and important resources that we will be referring back to during the webinar. Please download and print these before the start of the webinar or have them available electronically to enhance your learning experience. Should the presenters refer to additional recourses during their presentation, then these will be forwarded to all registered attendees after the broadcast.

General documents referred to:

•  Maintenance Act, Act 99 of 1989

•  FREE eBook: Everything you should know about child and spousal maintenance before applying


Resource material for this webinar:

J107 form that needs to be completed for a variation (increase or decrease)

Handout: How do I apply for a variation of the maintenance order (increase or decrease)

Slides: How do I apply for a variation of the maintenance order (increase or decrease)

Bundle of case law on “good cause”

Extract from LexisNexis dealing with rescission, variation and suspension of maintenance orders

Examples of founding affidavits for decrease or increase of maintenance (compliments of Adv Ruiters at the NPA)

Lunch and learn is a proud initiative by Oppermans Inc. Below please find a short bio and contact details of our presenter(s):


  EUGENE OPPERMAN, director and founder of Oppermans Inc, a family law practice with 23 years of experience in family mediation, child maintenance, domestic violence matters and issues regarding children (parenting plans, care- and contact arrangements).

info@oppermansinc.co.za / info@lunchandlearn.org.za




  ERIN O’NEALE, candidate legal practitioner and accredited mediator at Oppermans Inc . She has a keen interest in family law and feels passionate about child maintenance and assisting parents with matters pertaining to maintenance and the rights of the minor children.

